Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The Aboriginal Tent Embassy

On the 26th of January 1972 four Aboriginal men, Michael Anderson, Billy Craigie, Bertie Williams and Tony Coorey, travelled from Sydney to Canberra to protest the McMahon Government's refusal recognise Aboriginal land rights.

Set up on the laws of old parliament house, initially the embassy was a simple beach umbrella, then later, as the protest's aims broadened in scope (from land rights to the broad spectrum of issues faced by Aboriginal people across the country) and the number of protestors increased, more tents were added.

It is widely acknowledged that the establishment of the tent embassy was a focal point in Aboriginal politics and activism. 

Aboriginal Tent Embassy website

Anna Morozow and ABC TV (2012) Tent Embassy turns 40. 7pm News: ACT.

Cowan, G., Nomadic Resistance: Tent Embassies and Collapsible Architecture, Koori History Website. 

Dow, C., (2000) Aboriginal Tent Embassy: Icon or Eyesore?, Chronology 3 1999-2000, Social Policy Group, Parliament of Australia - Parliamentary Library: Canberra. 4 April 2000.

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